We have Started our own Herd of Conservation Goats!

Goats are a great tool to have in the habitat management toolbox. Because their grazing habits target brush first, then grasses, and lastly forbs, they are great at setting back non-native species like Buckthorn, leafy spurge, and brome, without having a significant impact on any native wildflower species present. In addition, they allow us to conduct brush management activities in areas that might not be accessible with equipment, or in locations where heavy equipment might not be preferred (yards, city properties, parks).

Weeds we can help with:

  • Buckthorn

  • Leafy Spurge

  • Poison Ivy

  • Eastern Red Cedar

  • Smooth Brome

  • Mulberry

  • Raspberry Brambles

  • Other Miscellaneous Brush

Interested in seeing if Conservation Goats are an option for your property? Contact us today!